Don Quixote
Title: La Vida y hechos del ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha composed by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Printed in two volumes, in Lyon in 1736, illustrated with numerous engravings. Publication: At Leon de France: at the expense of J. and P. Bonnardel, 1736Edition: New edition, corrected and illustrated with different prints very donoso and appropriate to the subject. Description: [16], 649, [7] p., [16] Publishing history: According to Suñé (1917), p. 55, 41, it reproduces the Brussels edition of 1662.<7, A-Z<8, 2A-2S<6, []<3Front: “F. Diodati P.S.” Headers and capitals orn. xil.Illustration:Las h. de grab. calc., scenes from Don Quixote.