Cuenco Qing
Museum collection

Bowl (Qing Dynasty)


Bowl with curved walls, wide mouth and sill ring. The enamel decoration on the cover is presented in diagonally distributed compartments and topped by a horizontal border. Sometimes they are called pink family or famillie rose, a nomenclature given by Jacquemart (Histoire de la Cerámique, Paris 1873) in his classification of the different ceramic types of Chinese origin of the XVIII and XIX centuries. However, in origin, this chromatic type receives four different denominations: fencai (powder colors), ruancai (soft colors), yangcai (foreign colors) or falancai (glaze colors). The use of these glazes together with the place of production, made it known in the export market as “Canton pink family” from the 19th century to the present day. However, Canton was not the only center of production, but the Portuguese colony of Macao shared the prominence of these pieces. In this particular case, a seal in Chinese and Portuguese on the base identifies the origin of the object. / Bibliography: CERVERA FERNÁNDEZ, I.: “Cuenco. Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Siglo XX. China”, in LÓPEZ GUZMÁN, R.; RUIZ GUTIÉRREZ, A.; SORROCHE CUERVA, M.A. (Scientific Coord.): Oriente en Granada (Exhibition Catalogue). Granada, 2008, pp.: 54-55

Chronology: Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Twentieth century. ChinaStamp: "Made in Macao".
Dimensions: 11 x 26 cm

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