Museum collection



Porcelain dish with decoration on the rim composed of small flowers inscribed in a reticular border framing a central figure on a white background. The combination of underglaze and overglaze glazes is an innovation of the decorative techniques of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), initiated during the reign of Kangxi (1662-1722). The predominance of green made them known in the West as famillie vert while the Chinese term that defines them is yingcai or hard colors.Among the decorative repertoire of this type of pieces are those of local taste with themes related to scenes from popular novels and mythological and historical characters. A second group is constituted by the pieces destined for external consumption, where Chinese motifs of vegetal origin are intermingled with European themes.This plate presents in its center the figure of the god of war, Guandi, seated on his characteristic rocky seat and with military clothing typical of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). Guandi was general of the emperor Liu Bei (161-223), both protagonists of the novel “The Three Kingdoms” (sanguo). During the reign of the Kangxi emperor it was one of the most performed novels in popular theaters and in the court environment. Porcelain, lacquerware, enamels and other objects were decorated with scenes and characters from this and other novels, thus helping to spread the images, types and moral qualities associated with each of the characters.Guandi exemplifies the most important Confucian values, such as loyalty to the government and respect for parents. The development of his cult, made him to be considered a divinity and honor him under the title of “god of war”. / catalog no. 1992: 302 / Bibliography: CERVERA FERNÁNDEZ, I.: “Plato. Reign of Emperor Kangxi (1662-1722). S. XVIII. China”, in LÓPEZ GUZMÁN, R.; RUIZ GUTIÉRREZ, A.; SORROCHE CUERVA, M.A. (Scientific Coord.): Oriente en Granada (Exhibition Catalogue). Granada, 2008, pp.: 48-49.

Chronology: Reign of the Kangxi Emperor (1662-1722). 17th century. China
Dimensions: 4 x 30.3 cm.

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