European Sibyl
Female figure is walking, crowned with laurel, carrying a lamb in her arms. In the background a landscape of low horizon, with a city. To the left, the Virgin and Child, as a representation of the Rest in the Flight into Egypt. This is the European Sibyl, foreteller of the Slaughter of the Innocents, to which the lamb refers, symbol of innocence, and the Flight into Egypt, biblical events inseparably linked. María Elena Gómez-Moreno attributed this painting to Alonso Cano, but this possibility did not have much repercussion and recently it has been more fortunately linked to the Zurbarán School. Acquired in Granada by Manuel Gómez-Moreno / Extracted from: A.A.V.V.: Gómez-Moreno Institute (catalog). Granada, 1992, p. 128 / Photo: Luis Morales Quesada