exvoto con caetra
Museum collection

Exvoto with caetra


Male votive offering of a short tunic with a V-neck, sleeves above the elbows and tight at the waist. Half hidden on the left side he keeps a dagger with antennae. From the back hangs a caetra with a marked umbo. Blackish patina, very worn, which is visible under a thick layer of concretions that affect much of the surface of the piece. Medium quality work. Well proportioned, although flattened. It respects, in general, the axial symmetry axis.round head, covered by a smooth helmet with cervical flange that covers the whole of it, leaving only the face free. The features of the face are not very clear: small eyes, which are identified by metal extraction holes, while the mouth and nose are marked by a horizontal incision, thicker in the case of the mouth. The neck is almost inappreciable and joins in straight and very developed shoulders, which form a very wide back. He wears a short tunic with a V-neck and sleeves above the elbow. It seems to be tightened at the waist by means of an almost imperceptible belt, from which, hidden on the left side, hangs a dagger with antennae. In the central area of the waist there are two thick vertical and parallel cords. To the back, from a double belt, hangs a small caetra of marked umbo. Right arm bent and attached to the hip, with the hand closed, leaving a gap possibly to hold another weapon, such as a spear. The left arm is bent forward with the hand missing. Thick legs with very muscular thighs and calves, joined to below the calves. Feet separated, small and asymmetrical, the right one bigger than the left one. Plane of projection of the gaze to the front. Iconography related to the public exposure of a certain social status (Extracted from: Rueda, 2012: 276).

Chronology: S. II B.C.

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