Cruz Mozarabe
Museum collection

Mozarabic cross

Cobre dorado

Mozarabic cross of gilded copper, with five carved rock crystal cabochons and device, at the foot, at the back, to fit into a shaft. Incised decoration of undulating stems with palmettes on obverse and reverse and borders of interlacing and stippling. It comes from Cevico de la Torre (Palencia). In the Museum of Barcelona there is another similar one dated 1122, both seeming to be from the same hand. / Extracted from: A.A.V.V.: Instituto Gómez-Moreno (catalog). Granada, 1992, p. 211.

Chronology: Cevico de la Torre (Palencia, Spain)12th Century (Mozarabic)
Dimensions: 28 x 23.8 cm

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