San Fernando
Museum collection

San Fernando

Francisco Zurbarán Workshop
Óleo sobre lienzo

The Saint appears full-length and three-quarters of the profile, in an attitude of walking to the left, with his head turned towards the viewer and his right leg forward. With his left hand he holds the baton of command, resting his right hand on the handle of the sword. He wears a dark crimson velvet cap with feather plume and girded by a gold crown and wears half armor trimmed with gold carved stripes, slashed greaves, high suede boots with slashed and engraved ornaments and a bright red cloak that hangs from the shoulders dragging on the ground. It comes from the collection of General Espeleta. / Extracted from: A.A.V.V.: Instituto Gómez-Moreno (catalog). Granada, 1992, p. 125.

Chronology: Late 16th century to mid 17th century
Signature: Inscirpción arriba: "El S R D. Ferna[n]do"
Dimensions: 83 x 50 cm

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