San Tadeo
Museum collection

St. Jude Thaddeus

Juan de Valdés Leal ?
Óleo sobre lienzo

This oil on canvas was bought by Manuel Gómez-Moreno at the Rastro in Madrid. In it we find a bust of the apostle from the front with his head slightly turned to the right and with his eyes raised to heaven with an ecstatic expression. With his right hand he holds the halberd, symbol of his martyrdom. Inscribed: “S. TADEVS”. The doubtful attribution was established by Mª Elena Gómez-Moreno / Extracted from: A.A.V.V.: Gómez-Moreno Institute (catalog). Granada, 1992, p. 130

Chronology: Valdés Leal (1622-1690) ? 17TH CENTURY
Dimensions: 55 x 41 cm.

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