jorge ingles 2
Museum collection

The Crucifixion

Jorge English
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The composition is clearly centered by the figure of Christ on the cross, dead. On the left, the Virgin supported by St. John together with two holy women and the Magdalene embracing the cross: on the right, a centurion with oriental clothing and three sayons. At the foot of the cross, skull with detached lower jaw and a femur. Landscape background with hills, cultivated fields and a city. From the mouth of the centurion comes out a phylactery with this inscription: “Vere hic hic homo filius dei erat”. The attribution to this painter (Jorge Inglés), was made by D. Diego Angulo in a conference that was not collected in writing: A.A.V.V.V.: Instituto Gómez-Moreno (catalog). Granada, 1992, p. 116.

Chronology: 15th centuryJorge English active in Castile in the mid-15th century
Dimensions: 54 x 32 cm

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