14. Paramasukha Chakrasamvara.
Museum collection


Latón con incrustaciones de piedras y pintura roja.

It is a representation of a terrifying male deity with four heads and twenty arms. He has the ushnisha very high, the diadem and the hair worked in parallel lines, the third vertical eye and the open mouth polychromed in red. His prajna is embraced to him in the usual manner. The male image crosses the front arms on the back of the prajna in the gesture of great energy, vajrahumkara mudra, holding the vajra and the ghanta. The rest of the arms are in vitarka mudra, gesture of exposure. He wears an animal skin whose tail is visible between his legs. The legs are in dynamic attitude taking a step to the left (alidha) stepping on two figures to exemplify his triumph over evil or enemies of faith. The image rests on a rather high stepped base. The high screwed halo is formed by curved lines suggesting vegetal elements and topped by a Garuda. The back is not elaborately worked. Although the inclusion of the Garuda could indicate a Nepalese origin, there are other features, such as the parallel lines in the hair and crown and the slanted features, that justify its location within a Tibetan style of Chinese influence. There are examples of this type of haloes much more elaborate and made with the technique of embossing attributed to both Nepal and Central Tibet. This image seems to be the work of a relatively modern workshop due to the characteristics of its execution. Probably all its parts have been made with molds, although certain elements such as the inlay of stones and the execution of some details show a careful finishing. R.C.M. / Extracted from: Isabel CERVERA FERNÁNDEZ: Fundación Rodríguez-Acosta. Asian Art Collection. Granada, 2002.Bibliography: COMAS, R.: El arte del Himalaya en las colecciones españolas: los bronces. Madrid, 1993, p. 277

Chronology: 19th-20th century MONGOLIA, (CHINA).
Dimensions: 31 x 7 cm

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