Among the accessories of men’s and women’s clothing, there are pendants set on large necklaces that usually reach below the waist. Normally, like all the components of court costume, the pendants have a significance either derived from the material itself or from the decorative motifs made on them. The most frequent material is hard stones (jadeite, agate, onyx, garnet, etc.) and their decoration – animal, vegetal, geometric, written characters – is related to symbols of good omen. The four pendants of the Rodriguez-Acosta collection (cat. 54, 55, 56 and 57), respond to the mentioned characteristics, presenting as stops, small balls of coral and malachite, topped with groups of tiny pearls. The white jade pendant is the one with the highest symbolic and artistic value due to its material -white jade-. Of circular section, it presents on its obverse side a carved decoration with vegetal motifs, while the obverse side is flat. I.C.F. / Extracted from: Isabel CERVERA FERNÁNDEZ: Fundación Rodríguez-Acosta. Asian Art Collection. Granada, 2002.