He Xiangu is the only woman among the Immortals. She was the daughter of a merchant who lived in the 7th century in Lingling (Hunan) and who happened to eat a peach of immortality and became a fairy. Thereafter she left her home and lived among the hills, feeding on moonbeams and mother-of-pearl powder. Her main attribute is the lotus flower, which she holds in one of her hands, although she is sometimes depicted with a fly swatter. The Eight Immortals, as an iconographic motif, became popular from the Yuan dynasty (1277-1368), being very recurrent during the Ming and Qing dynasty in the repertoire of the decorative arts of both imperial and popular court. I.C.F. / Extracted from: Isabel CERVERA FERNÁNDEZ: Fundación Rodríguez-Acosta. Asian Art Collection. Granada, 2002.